JVM Diagnostic tools

Adamansky Anton

JVM Diagnostic tools


Main JVM Diagnostic tools

jps JVM processes info
jinfo Inspect JVM configuration info.
jstat JVM statistics
jstatd Server that exposes host JVMs to remoted monitor and diagnostic tools.
jsadebugd JVM debug server
jstack Inspect stack trace of JVM process
jmap Prints heap memory details and shared object memory maps. Takes JVM heap dump.
jhat Heap analysis tool.

Main JVM Diagnostic tools

HPROF Command line profiling tool for heap and cpu profiling
JMH Java benchmark framework
jconsole Visual JVM statistics tool
jvisualvm Visual JVM statistics tool. CPU/Memory profiling tool.


List available JVMs on target machine and their options.

jps [ options ] [ hostid ]


jps sample


Prints Java configuration information for a given Java process or core file or a remote debug server.


jstat — is JVM monitoring tool.

jstat [ generalOption | outputOptions vmid [interval[s|ms] [count]] ]
jstat documentation


SO/S1 - Survivor space 0/1 utilization as a percentage of the space's current capacity.
E - Eden space utilization.
O - Old space utilization.
P - Permanent space utilization.
YGC - Number of young generation GC events.
YGCT - Young generation garbage collection time.
FGC - Number of full GC events.
jstat option decription
gc It shows the current size for each heap area and its current usage (Ede, survivor, old, etc.), total number of GC performed, and the accumulated time for GC operations.
gcutil Usage for each heap area. GC counters.
gccapactiy It shows the minimum size (ms) and maximum size (mx) of each heap area, current size, and the number of GC performed for each area. (Does not show current usage and accumulated time for GC operations.)
gccause It shows the "information provided by -gcutil" + reason for the last GC and the reason for the current GC.
jstat option decription
gcnew Shows the GC performance data for the new area.
gcold Shows the GC performance data for the old area.
gcpermcapacity Shows statistics for the permanent area.


Prints Java stack traces of Java threads for a given Java process or core file or a remote debug server.

jstack [ option ] pid
jstack [ option ] executable core
jstack [ option ] [server-id@]remote-hostname-or-IP

jstack showcase

Resolving deadlocks.

jstack showcase

What is deadlocks?

jstack showcase

java -cp out/testgcpause.jar

This program never ends... ☹ Really?

kill -9 `jps | grep TestDeadLock | awk '{print $1}'`

jstack showcase

jstack showcase

jstack helps you

You need JVM process heap analysis

You need JVM process heap analysis tool


jmap [ options ] pid|core|remote-server

Let's dump the heap.
Your application will be freezed during heap dump.

jhat (Inspect heap dump)

jhat [ options ] <heap-dump-file>

Now open web browser: http://localhost:7000


jhat heap inspection demo


HPROF — command line profiling tool for heap and cpu profiling. HPROF is a dynamically-linked native library that uses JVM TI and writes out profiling information either to a file descriptor or to a socket in ascii or binary format.

In order to gather profiling data HPROF uses Byte Code Insertion (BCI) on all java class images loaded into the VM.

HPROF binary heap dumps can be used with with JHAT

HPROF options

hprof usage: java -agentlib:hprof=[help]|[<option>=<value>, ...]

Option Name and Value  Description                    Default
---------------------  -----------                    -------
heap=dump|sites|all    heap profiling                 all
cpu=samples|times|old  CPU usage                      off
monitor=y|n            monitor contention             n
format=a|b             text(txt) or binary output     a
file=<file>            write data to file             java.hprof[.txt]
net=<host>:<port>      send data over a socket        off
depth=<size>           stack trace depth              4
interval=<ms>          sample interval in ms          10
cutoff=<value>         output cutoff point            0.0001
lineno=y|n             line number in traces?         y
thread=y|n             thread in traces?              n
doe=y|n                dump on exit?                  y
msa=y|n                Solaris micro state accounting n
force=y|n              force output to <file>         y
verbose=y|n            print messages about dumps     y

HPROF showcase

java -agentlib:hprof=heap=sites -cp ./testgcpause.jar

> yg
> Young garbage generator: amount: 50000, rm period: 150
yg stop
> Stopping young garbage generator
> q
SITES BEGIN (ordered by live bytes) Thu Sep  5 14:56:44 2013
          percent          live          alloc'ed  stack class
rank   self  accum     bytes objs     bytes  objs trace name
1 39,44% 39,44%  12000000 500000  12000000 500000 301279 byte[]
2 39,44% 78,87%  12000000 500000  12000000 500000 301280 java.util.LinkedList$Node
3 10,52% 89,39%   3200096 100003   3200096 100003 300706 java.util.LinkedList
4  5,26% 94,65%   1600000 100000   1600000 100000 301278$Garbage
5  2,81% 97,46%    854648   27    854648    27 300598 java.lang.Object[]
6  0,08% 97,54%     25776  144     25776   144 300006 char[]
7  0,08% 97,62%     23440   11     23440    11 300339 byte[]
8  0,05% 97,67%     16416    2     16416     2 300582 byte[]

HPROF showcase

SITES BEGIN (ordered by live bytes) Thu Sep  5 14:56:44 2013
          percent          live          alloc'ed  stack class
rank   self  accum     bytes objs     bytes  objs trace name
1 39,44% 39,44%  12000000 500000  12000000 500000 301279 byte[]
2 39,44% 78,87%  12000000 500000  12000000 500000 301280 java.util.LinkedList$Node
3 10,52% 89,39%   3200096 100003   3200096 100003 300706 java.util.LinkedList
4  5,26% 94,65%   1600000 100000   1600000 100000 301278$Garbage
TRACE 301279:$Garbage.<init>($ line 59:

 public void run() {
            garbageStorage = new ArrayList<>();
            try {
                long lastGarbageRemoveTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                while (!stopped) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < garbageAmount.longValue(); i++) {
                        garbageStorage.add(new Garbage());

CPU Sampling

Profiler periodically queries stacks of all running threads to record the most frequently active stack traces. Methods invocation count are not recorded.

pros: cons:

CPU Times

Profiler instruments the bytecode of the profiled application for recording thread CPU time spent inside each profiled method. Both invocation times and counts are available.

pros: cons:

HPROF CPU profiling showcase

Run the high load CPU function for 10s

time java  -agentlib:hprof=heap=sites,cpu=samples,thread=y,interval=5,depth=10 \
            -cp ./testgcpause.jar  \
   -cpu 10

real	0m51.962s
user	0m51.736s
sys	0m1.780s

HPROF CPU profiling showcase

CPU SAMPLES BEGIN (total = 9530) Fri Sep  6 11:26:25 2013
rank   self  accum   count trace method
   1 21,11% 21,11%    2012 300730 java.util.Arrays.copyOf
   2 20,29% 41,41%    1934 300731 java.lang.Object.<init>
   3 18,97% 60,38%    1808 300737 java.lang.Object.<init>
   4 18,61% 78,99%    1774 300728 java.lang.Character.toString
   5 10,42% 89,41%     993 300766
   6  8,33% 97,74%     794 300764 java.util.Random.nextInt
   7  0,36% 98,10%      34 300736 java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange
   8  0,35% 98,45%      33 300720 java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder.<init>
   9  0,35% 98,79%      33 300746 java.lang.Object.<init>
  10  0,34% 99,13%      32 300748 java.lang.Object.<init>
  11  0,28% 99,41%      27 300769$CPULoader.action
  12  0,10% 99,52%      10 300768$
  13  0,07% 99,59%       7 300749$CPULoader.<init>
  14  0,07% 99,66%       7 300765$

HPROF CPU profiling showcase

TRACE 300769: (thread=200006)$CPULoader.action($
THREAD START (obj=5000017f, id = 200001, name="main", group="main")
THREAD START (obj=50000458, id = 200006, name="CPULoader", group="main")
public void run() {
            while (!stopped) {
                int k = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < 10; ++j) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < DATA_COUNT; ++i) {
                        k += action(i);                            

Monitoring remote machines


jstatd on remote JVM

> jstatd -h
usage: jstatd [-nr] [-p port] [-n rminame]

jstatd on remote JVM

Run jstatd on remote machine.

jstatd -p 1099
cat ./etc/tools.policy
grant codebase "file:${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar" {
> jps -l ulixes:1099
18831 com.intellij.idea.Main


> jconsole

Internal JVM JMX server

Using JVM JMX server you can get internal JVM info from context Java programs.


VisualVM is the JConsole on steroids

> jvisualvm

Visual VM CPU/Memory profiling demo
